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Rules Guide

Being what they are, I don't want to heavily restrict Astrians as a species. That being said, I do have some guidelines and basic rules that cover the species as a whole as well as official community sites and areas including our Discord Server and Facebook page. Below are a series of links to pages detailing specifics. 
Please take a look at the few species rules and abide by them!

Guidelines to creating your own Astrian

Guidelines to making Astrians and merch to sell.
(Included due to questions about species restrictions)

Rules and Guidelines to follow for our Discord and Facebook communities

This website is under HEAVY construction, and is missing a lot of detail and art. This is not the final presentation of it, but it IS the basic skeleton with all important information

For adopts, updates, artwork and other information, follow the Official Astrian pages here!

Official Astrian Discord
Official Astrian Facebook

For questions, concerns or comments regarding Astrians, you can message me here!

Server_Nurse on Instagram
Server_Nurse on Twitter
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