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The Astrian

What are Astrians?

Astrian, derived from ancient greek "Astria" meaning star-maiden/starry night


Astrians are a small mammalian species known for the lanterns they carry. They're truly shrouded in mystery in some aspects but with domestication in progress, more is being learned about them. Originally found deep in forests acting as guides to those lost, following the light from their lanterns, everyone has reported they'll be led back to known trails or out of the woods entirely. They've been reported to have led lost hikers out of the mountains as well before big storms hit and it's thought areas where they're found are blessed fae grounds and they act as guardians, bringing people to safety. Or people have gotten too close and they want them gone before they trespass but the latter is a nicer idea. 


They can be described as ferret dragons, or even raptor ferrets from their long necks, long bodies and tail the length of their body. Typically they walk hunched bipedal but are also known to walk quad as well. All Astrians follow the same basic anatomy and guides detailed in the BASIC GUIDES subtab.
I originally wrote them as a feral species with the intelligence of smarter birds like ravens or large parrots in that they understand the use of simple tools and basic problem solving.
Being what they are however, I do have anthro headcannons for them as well that is detailed under the CANNON/NONCANNON subtab.



Astrians as a whole can be divided into 3 subspecies, two of which are free and open for anyone to create.
Sylvan Astrians are the first ones discovered and make forests, prairies and occasionally urban cities their home. Sylvans are open to make

Alpine Astrians have adapted to poor weather and stone. They reside in mountainous areas and caves. Alpines are open to make.

Mingle Astrians are a genetic disaster. They are the offspring of a Sylvan and Alpine Astrian coming together which is impossible to create in the wild given their drastically different environments. Mingles are a purely domestic species and inherit any sort of genes from either species, typically rendering them infertile like a mule. Mingles are CLOSED and not available to freely make unless bred and discussed with ServerNurse

More about the subspecies including specific guides for each can be found under the SUBSPECIES subtab

This website is under HEAVY construction, and is missing a lot of detail and art. This is not the final presentation of it, but it IS the basic skeleton with all important information

For adopts, updates, artwork and other information, follow the Official Astrian pages here!

Official Astrian Discord
Official Astrian Facebook

For questions, concerns or comments regarding Astrians, you can message me here!

Server_Nurse on Instagram
Server_Nurse on Twitter
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