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Making your own

You're free to make your own Astrian to a point. You can make personal characters, you can make adopts to sell, you can make whatever so long as it follows the rules and guidelines of the species. All Astrians must follow the basics listed in Basic Guides and fall under either the Alpine or Sylvan variant and those subspecies guidelines.
All Astrians being created must also follow the rarity rules listed under Traits and Mutations. Limiting freely made ones to Common/Uncommon Sylvan or Alpine Astrians. 


Please respect the closed parts of the species since the closed aspects are fairly small. Any Astrians made outside of the given rules will be counted as invalid and you may receive strikes in the Discord for breaking species rules. 


Make Your Own(MYO) Tickets can be bought from time to time to request an Astrian made by ServerNurse. These can and do include Rare Astrians and the Mingle subspecies as an easy way to obtain them outside of adopt auctions and will include a full reference like the one below, and a badge labeling them as an "Official" Astrian
MYO openings will be announced on both the Discord server and Facebook group and are priced by Rarity which includes traits and mutations.
Customs are as follows

Sylvan: $65


Alpine: $75

Mingle: $90



Official Astrian?

"Official" Astrians are just Astrians that are made by or have references done by myself, ServerNurse
It doesn't mean anything special and so long as an Astrian follows the guidelines of the species, it's considered official!
If you'd like the "Official" title of official however, you can always run designs by me, or have a ref or badge made

This website is under HEAVY construction, and is missing a lot of detail and art. This is not the final presentation of it, but it IS the basic skeleton with all important information

For adopts, updates, artwork and other information, follow the Official Astrian pages here!

Official Astrian Discord
Official Astrian Facebook

For questions, concerns or comments regarding Astrians, you can message me here!

Server_Nurse on Instagram
Server_Nurse on Twitter
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