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Community Guidelines

There are 2 big areas where Astrians have established a community. In our Discord Server and in the Official Facebook group. I want to create an uplifting community, where skills or profits don't matter. I want to share the enjoyment of my species with everyone. Below are a list of rules I ask everyone to abide by in any part of our community. Failure to do so will result in warnings before being removed from the server or group.

• Be civil. Don't be rude and start arguments for the sake of arguments. It shouldn't be said but just be nice to 
   each other.

• Keep things on topic. In the Discord there are Off-Topic channels for a reason. Try to keep things on topic about 
   the species in the species server and groups. Discord will have specific channels for content as well. I ask 
   content be posted in the appropriate channels.

• No shaming! For anything. We're all at different skill levels for art, writing and crafting. We all start somewhere,
   don't shame anyone if what they create aren't up to your standards. At least they're creating! and that's great.

• Both groups are PG-17. Our Discord does have NSFW channels that are hidden. I ask to keep those topics in
   those specific channels and nowhere outside of it! I say PG-17 for the sake of cursing. just. don't overdo it.

• Be mature. People like to poke fun at people, try not to take everything to heart. If someone really is bothering you
   however, ask to stop, take it to personal messages or contact an admin or mod. We're here to help.

• On the other side of that coin, friendly banter and joking is fine but know when to stop. It's easy to overdo it so
   if you're asked to stop something, don't argue. Just stop please. 

• No outside drama please. I ask you don't come in ranting and raving about some drama not pertaining to anyone
   here. If there is inside drama, please try and sort it out in personal messages and if it can't be resolved, contact
   a mod or admin to help resolve species only problems. 

• Theft of art or characters, or copying others characters is strictly prohibited and can result in an immediate kick
   from the server or group. Stolen or copied characters are the ONLY time I will enlist the ability to "Revoke" a 
   character since it was never yours in that case. 


This website is under HEAVY construction, and is missing a lot of detail and art. This is not the final presentation of it, but it IS the basic skeleton with all important information

For adopts, updates, artwork and other information, follow the Official Astrian pages here!

Official Astrian Discord
Official Astrian Facebook

For questions, concerns or comments regarding Astrians, you can message me here!

Server_Nurse on Instagram
Server_Nurse on Twitter
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